Sports Specialized School


The School of the Sports Specialized Community in the Albergue Olímpico aspires to the integral development of the student athlete in such a way that he is able to accomplish sports achievements in the Olympic movement with his values and in the same way that he integrates society as a helpful and responsible citizen.


Facilitate the students education, through a multidisciplinary curriculum of excellence, which integrates sports, academic and community living activities. It will be oriented to the development of their intellectual, emotional and physical capacity, as well as the strengthening of values and social skills.

Cradle of Sports Talent

The Eugenio Guerra Cruz Community School Specializing in Sports in the Albergue Olímpico (ECEDAO) is an educational institution that is unique in its kind in Puerto Rico. It was established for the purpose of becoming a center for the development of the best youth sports talent on the island. The three hundred students who reside in the school participate in an intensive program with the necessary academic balance for their integral formation as citizens who will be a credit to society. Its goal is to train responsible citizens and develop the future values of Puerto Rican sports.

The Department of education is responsible for the evaluation, recruitment and supervision of academic teachers and the Olympic Committee is in charge of the technical-sports aspect. The school is a boarding school and is free, with its specialty being a curriculum offering a wide variety of individualized sports disciplines from the seventh to twelfth grades. Additionally, the school is an educational center, allied with the Olympic Committee and the Department of recreation and sports, supported by the center of sports health and exercise sciences, aimed at the comprehensive development of the student athlete, who will use sports as a principal instrument for his cognitive-constructivist and humanities education

El Departamento de Educación tiene a su cargo la evaluación, reclutamiento y supervisión de los profesores académicos y el Comité Olímpico está a cargo del aspecto técnico-deportivo. La escuela, además, es un Centro Educativo aliado al Comité Olímpico y al Departamento de Recreación y Deportes, apoyado por el Centro de Salud Deportiva y Ciencias del Ejercicio, dirigido al desarrollo integral del estudiante atleta, quien utilizará el deporte como instrumento principal para su formación humanista y cognoscitiva-constructivista.


  • Boxing
  • Judo
  • Olympic Wrestling
  • Taekwondo
  • Weightlifting
  • Middle Distance Running
  • Marcha
  • Lanzamientos
  • Saltos
  • Velocidad y Vallas
  • Triathlon
  • Tenis de Mesa
  • Tennis
  • Fencing
  • Balonmano
  • Basketball
  • Voleibol
  • Rotación 6to-7mo
  • MTB
  • Boxeo Femenino
  • Tiro Neumático
  • Swimming

Disciplinas deportivas ofrecidas para el año escolar 2024-2025


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